Atari 400, 800, XL, XE
Archon: The Light and the Dark

Vorstellung 30.05.1987
(Summer CES, USA Chicago)
Veröffentlichung Frühjahr 1988
Vertrieb Atari Logo
Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung Free Fall Associates
Free Fall Associates
San Francisco, CA
Programmierung Anne Westfall
Jon Freeman
Paul Reiche
Produktcode RX8092
Genre Brettspiel
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick
Spieler 1–2
Wertung ★★★★

The Light and the Dark

A magical medieval playing field, rendered on the landscape of an overgrown chessboard, looms before you. Within this mystical area are phoenixes, golems, and wizards. Like magical beings, their powers change as they move from square to square. When two opponents meet, the board explores into a battlefield.

Your pieces use their awesome powers to fight banshees, goblins, and sorceresses. They cast spells and missiles; they pummel, pierce and throw flames. They even take on each other's shapes and characteristics. You will need all your skill, dexterity, and wisdom to control and guide your side.

Your magic rises and ebbs with the board's luminosity cycle. As the light changes, so does your power. You must race against time and use your strength effectively.

Archon is a contest of action and strategy between opposing forces wrought from myth and legend. The Light Side and the Dark Side are equal in force, balanced in strength. Though they are not identical, their goals are the same. Each side exists to conquer, by eliminating all of the opposing pieces or controlling the five power points.

Das Spiel erschien bereits 1983 bei Electronic Arts auf Diskette für die 8-Bit-Systeme.


Animated Puzzle Asteroids

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 1. Juli 2024