Atari 400, 800, XL, XE
Rescue on Fractalus!

Vorstellung 30.05.1987
(Summer CES, USA Chicago)
Veröffentlichung 12/1987
Vertrieb Atari
Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung Lucasfilm Games
Lucasfilm Games
1110 Gorgas Ave
San Francisco, CA 94129
Programmierung David Fox
Loren Carpenter
Grafik Charlie Kellner
Gary Winnick
James St. Louis
Douglas Crockford
Audio Charlie Kellner
Peter Langston
Produktcode RX8063
Genre Shoot'em up!
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick, Tastatur
Spieler 1
Wertung ★★★★★
min. Arbeitsspeicher 48 kB

Get those spacers off that planet and fast!

You've joined an elite Rescue Squadron, flying to the hostile planet Fractalus to confront the ruthless enemy Jaggies head on. The mission is to rescue Ethercorps pilots shot down and stranded on that brutal planet, and help lead our forces to victory… for the merciless Jaggi onslaught must be stopped to preserve the future of the galaxy.

Sounds easy, but don't let it fool you. It's tough enough to navigate the mountains and canyons of Fractalus. Try doing it while destroying enemy gun emplacements or dodging suicide saucers. Don't waste any time – the pilots won't last long in the poisonous cyanitric acid atmosphere of Fractalus.

The game screen features first-person perspective in both flying and rescue sequences. Don't try to memorize the three-dimensional landscape, because it changes every time you play the game. As if that's not enough, the better you get the harder the game becomes. There's even instrument-only night flying in the more advanced levels.

Rescue on Fractalus!… you've never faced a challenge as tough as this before.

Das Spiel erschien bereits 1985 bei Epyx auf Diskette für die 8-Bit-Systeme.

Weitere Versionen
Rescue on Fractalus! (Atari 5200)
Rescue on Fractalus! (Atari 7800)


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