
Veröffentlichung 07/1984
Vertrieb Atarisoft
Atari Corp.
1265 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Entwicklung Atarisoft
Atari, Inc.
1265 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Produktcode DX5502
Genre Shoot'em up!
Medium Diskette 5¼″
Steuerung Tastatur, Analogjoystick
Spieler 1–2
Systemanforderungen • Intel 8086 / 8088
• 128 kB RAM
• Diskettenlaufwerk
• CGA-Bildschirm
• Lautsprecher

Get Out Your Bug Blaster And Save That Fungus!

An insidious invasion of multiplying insects (centipedes, jumping spiders, poisonous scorpions, and frenzied fleas) pose different perils to the mushroom patch. You must repeatedly blast enraged creepers and stubborn obstacles or lose your enchanted fungus. Remember to listen for the distinctive sounds of the attacking bugs; and watch out for blasted centipede segments, each one grows a new head!

Centipede (Atari, 1981)

Weitere Versionen
Centipede (Apple II)
Centipede (Atari 2600)
Centipede (Atari 5200)
Centipede (Atari 7800)
Centipede (Atari XL/XE)
Centipede (ColecoVision)
Centipede (Commodore 64)
Centipede (Commodore VIC-20)
Centipede (IBM PCjr)
Centipede (Mattel Intellivision)
Centipede (Texas Instruments TI-99/4A)
Centopeia (Polyvox 2600)
センチィピード (Atari 2800)

Battlezone Crystal Castles

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 24. Juni 2024